2022 Annual Report


a letter from the

ceo + Board chair

Do more, for more. This was the mandate from our Board of Directors in 2020 — increase WQW’s impact on the needs of post-9/11 Combat Veterans. With your support, we did just that in 2022. It was our most productive and impactful year yet. Not only did we deliver more Warrior programs and serve more participants in a single year than ever before, but we also accomplished the hard work needed to position WQW for even more impact in 2023.

We delivered 30 weeks of veteran and military family programming —a 157 percent increase in programs since 2019. We provided 256 participant experiences – 185 percent more participant experiences than in 2019. We also launched two new, high-impact program models – Hunt for Purpose (HFP) and the Backcountry Fishing Experience. A fitting example of the impact of these programs is captured in the following testimonial from the spouse of one of our HFP participants:

growing impact

“I was afraid of this past year. I didn’t know what my husband needed, but I knew my love and care wouldn’t be enough for the path ahead…It was a year of uncertainty, where his identity and purpose in life would be pulled out under his feet. I didn’t know what he needed…Hunt For Purpose was an answer to prayer. He was guided through a journey of self-identification, where he found his purpose and identity outside of the Army. He was not alone; he went through this journey with other brothers by his side…Instead of surviving, he was thriving. I can’t thank the team at WQW enough…It has drastically changed my husband’s life and our family’s life.”


In 2021 we crafted a vision for future programming that moves Warriors beyond healing to thriving. Throughout 2022, we conducted the research, consulted with the experts, and designed the framework of a new program model designed to accomplish that vision. Then we did the hard work to fill the framework with the resources, plans, content, and activities to deliver a one-of-a-kind program that will become our flagship program in 2023: Built for More.

Completely free to participants, Built for More merges the power of peak experiences in nature, the support of comrades, and the expertise of a proprietary personal growth process to guide veterans to their own definition of thriving. Over two transformative Fishing Experiences and a few months in evidence-based online content, veterans build a thriving life of their own design from the ground up. Uplifted by their small cohort of fellow Warriors and led by expert input, veterans systematically dismantle the things holding them back and develop new strengths to move themselves forward. Our first cohort of Warriors will begin the Built for More program in May 2023.

As always, the committed support of our donors, corporate sponsors, foundation partners, and volunteers made this all possible. Their support enabled WQW to raise the funds required to meet our yearly operating expenses. We are filled with gratitude for that support. 

Thank you.


Phil Uihlein

brian gilman

Board Chair, Board of Directors

Colonel, USMC (Ret.), Chief Executive Officer

our people

the community that makes it all happen

  • Phil Uihlein, Chair
    Tim Richmond
    Ed Brandt, Treasurer
    Aaron Demro, Secretary, US Army Veteran
    Tom Stiffler, USMC Veteran
    Jim Collins, Col, USMC (Ret.)
    James T. Conway, Gen, USMC (Ret)
    Jim McCray
    Peter Nalen
    Gregory Putnam, US Navy Veteran
    Ali Ramirez, PT, DPT, US Navy Veteran
    Sandy Stash
    Dr. Kath Williams
    Jonmichael Weaver, Boardroom Bobcat (2021-2022)
    Travis Russell, Boardroom Bobcat (2022-2023)

  • Tim Stultz, Chair, US Navy Veteran
    Ryan Becker, Vice Chair
    Paul Makarechian, Secretary
    Greg Ellis
    Aaron Flint, US Army
    Eugene Graf, IV
    Eric Hastings, Col, USMC (Ret.)
    Bob King
    Steve Langlas
    Laura Linderman-Barker
    Jim McCray
    Matt McKenna
    Eddie Merideth
    Heather Nauert
    Steve Newberry, US Navy Veteran
    Chris Oliver, USMC Veteran
    Ed Rutledge
    Charley Snell, US Navy Veteran
    AshLee Strong
    Phil Uihlein, Chair
    James Ulmer

  • Brian Gilman, Chief Executive Officer, Col, USMC (Ret)
    Mike Powell, Chief Operating Officer, LtCol, USMC (Ret)
    Saul Martinez, Chief Program Officer, SGT, U.S. Army (Ret)
    Chip Raybon, Chief Program and Strategy Officer, MGySgt, USMC (Ret)
    Emily Sather, Chief Development Officer, CFRE
    Audrey Chorak, Director of Program Operations
    Casey Giles, Alumni Engagement Manager
    James Hedges, Volunteer Manager
    Justin Kreis, Administrative Assistant
    Jesse LeNeve, Fishing Operations Manager
    Ann Leuprecht, Corporate & Foundations Relations Manager, CFRE
    Ryan Olson, Caretaker of Quiet Waters Ranch
    Ellis Petrik, Development & Event Associate
    Adam Remillard, Controller, CPA
    Liz Shull, Annual Fund Manager
    Stevie Thieme, Marketing Director
    Onno Wieringa, Program Lead
    Bryan Suchey, Spring Marketing Intern
    Joey Winkler, Summer and Fall Marketing Intern

  • Dropstone Outfitting
    Bucks n Ducks Outfitters
    RF Bar Outfitters
    Driftline Outfitters
    Montana Llama Guides
    Upper Missouri River Guides
    Riverside Anglers
    Dixon Adventures
    Nelson’s Guides & Flies
    Secluded Waters
    Montana Flyfishing Connections
    6X Outfitters
    Montana Bucks & Ducks

  • Jordan Avery
    Gary Behrent
    Sean Blaine
    Ryan Caldwell
    Tony Follen
    Al Gadoury
    Sean Gifford
    Whitney Gould
    Grant Grigsby
    Sky Jones
    Jesse LeNeve
    Tucker Nelson
    Nelson’s Guides & Flies
    Kara Schuett
    Rodney Thurman
    Onno Wieringa




Number of programs

Number of partipants



Hours of programming

Days of programming


Meals served

delivering lasting outcomes for our warriors

2022 impact report

WQW partners with the Evaluation and Capacity Building team at the D’Aniello Institute for Veterans and Military Families at Syracuse University to help measure and communicate the impact of our programs. Below is a summary of our findings from our 2022 program season which demonstrates that for Warriors who participate in WQW, significant impact is felt across multiple outcomes related to well-being, nature, and relationships. Although the most dramatic effects are evident immediately following FX participation, the data indicates that some effects are sustained following participation.



There was a 3.7x reduction in feeling nervous and stressed, with 44% of First- Time Warriors reporting after attending WQW that that they never or almost never felt nervous and stressed, compared to 12% before attending WQW. 


There was a 1.6x improvement in calmness, with 47% of First-Time Warriors reporting after attending WQW that they were never or almost never angered because something was out of their control, compared to 18% before attending WQW.


There was a 1.8x improvement in sense of purpose, with 55% of First-Time Warriors reporting, after attending WQW, that they strongly agree that their sense of purpose continues to grow, compared to 30% before attending WQW.


There was a 2x improvement in sleep, with 54% of First-Time Warriors reporting after attending WQW that they very often or fairly often had a good night’s sleep, compared to 18% before attending WQW.


There was an 1.9x improvement in clarity about what a meaningful life is for them, with 55% of First-Time Warriors reporting after attending WQW that they strongly agree they continue to gain clarity about what a meaningful life is for them, compared to 30% before attending WQW.


There was a 1.6x improvement in feeling nature helps them think clearly, with 90% of First-Time Warriors reporting after attending WQW that that they feel represented extremely well by the statement, “Nature creates a space where it is easier for me to think clearly,” compared to 55% before attending WQW.


There was a 2x improvement in problem-solving, with 27%of First-Time Warriors reporting after attending WQW that they very often felt confident about their ability to handle their personal problems, compared to 13% before attending WQW.


Year two of the evaluation project allowed the IVMF to compare results from participants’ earliest Pre-FX Survey to their 2022 Annual Survey results. In this analysis, the IVMF compared a participant’s 2022 Annual Survey response to their first recorded Pre-FX Survey, either from 2021 or 2022.

Across four of the five stress indicator questions, the IVMF found that participants felt less isolated, angry, nervous, and stressed, and were sleeping better. This result suggests that outcomes in these areas persist past immediate program participation, and that participants may be forming stronger relationships when they return home after program participation.

6x reduction in anger

There was a 6x decrease in feeling angered, with 16% of participants reporting before attending WQW that they were very often angered because something was out of their control, compared to after attending WQW.

2.5X reduction in nervousness and stress

There was a 2.5x reduction in feeling nervous and stressed, with 27% of participants reporting before attending WQW that they very often felt nervous and stressed, compared to 8% after attending WQW.

2x reduction in feeling isolated

Participants were half as likely to feel isolated, with 16% reporting before attending WQW that they very often felt isolated, compared to 8% after attending WQW.

1.5x improvement in sleep

There was a 1.5x improvement in sleep, with 33% of participants reporting after attending WQW that they very often or fairly often had a good night’s sleep, compared to 21% before attending WQW.


a letter from the

board treasurer

WQW entered 2022 with a detailed plan for growth – laser focused on positioning our program to increase its impact upon Warriors served. The 2022 budget was built to resource this growth – made possible by everyone who so generously invested in WQW’s mission. 

Of 2022 Revenue, $140,000 was directed to the permanently restricted, program-focused Henry H. and Marion S. Uihlein Warrior Endowment. A portion of the $540,000 in new pledges was received in 2022. The remaining balance on these pledges will be paid over a series of years .

Now, more than two decades after 9/11, it’s more important than ever to enable veterans to find peace, meaning, and purpose after their military service. Your support makes this possible.

Figures are unaudited at the time of this publication’s printing. Numbers are rounded to the hundredth. If you would like more details on our financials, please contact the WQW office.

Ed Brandt, Treasurer




Endowment Withdrawals


New Pledges




General Contributions


General Contributions




New Pledges


Endowment Withdrawals




Total: $4,083,000


Core Mission Support


Core Mission Support


Direct Program Expenses



Direct Program Expenses

Core Mission Support (Development and Donor Engagement)


Core Mission Support (Finance, Human Resources, Administration)


Total: $4,002,000

Warriors & Quiet Waters carries an opportunity to their participants in a way that can create a lifelong impact. I feel grateful to fuel their time in the outdoors as they discover what so many of us have found and love out there — healing, a quiet mind, and inspiration.

Shannon Waters, Founder of Gastro Gnome Meals, Donor