How Sage Lodge’s Generosity Shaped WQW’s Alumni Council
WQW’s Alumni Council met at Quiet Waters Ranch in March to plan for the year ahead. WQW asked partner Sage Lodge to prepare a special dinner to thank the council for dedicating their weekend in service of the WQW Alumni.
Paying Forward in Montana
Northwest Farm Credit Services on their volunteer experience at Quiet Waters Ranch
COMMIT Foundation
Rough Seas Make Strong Sailors - How Warriors & Quiet Waters Partners with the COMMIT Foundation to Impact Veterans
Femme Fatale-A-Thon: How I Raised Over $1,000 for Warriors & Quiet Waters
Think of a moment in your life when you have done something incredibly difficult. Your body was probably screaming at you to quit but you kept going because your mind pushed you through.
Ten Years of WQW Programs: An Interview with Dave Kumlien
Today, we’re interviewing Dave Kumlien, one of the original founding volunteers and longtime supporter of Warriors and Quiet Waters.
"Volunteering is the Highlight of Our Year": An Interview with Jim and Jo Borowski
Today, we’re interviewing Jim and Jo Borowski, a husband and wife team who have volunteered in many capacities for Warriors & Quiet Waters since 2008.