What's your favorite part about the WQW community?
The stack of papers she had in her arms had to be at least a foot high.
Emily Sather, our Director of Development, had the same expression on her face as a little kid on Christmas, except that she was the one gifting me the present. She was excited about the assortment of papers she was carrying.
“I have a gift for you!” Emily exclaimed.
“Gift?” I questioned but quickly realized Emily’s enthusiasm was genuine.
Inside these folders was years’ worth of press coverage on Warriors & Quiet Waters (WQW). That overwhelming pile was a wealth of information she was passing along.
Sections of the Bozeman Daily Chronicle, cutouts from Outside Bozeman magazine, and a plethora of other great local and national publications that highlighted the impact of WQW were in those manilla folders.
Then I saw a folder labeled “Testimonies.”
Inside, Emily had saved handwritten letters and cards from Warriors over the years.
As I began to pour through them, one, in particular, stood out.
A Warrior had written a letter about his life-changing experience on FX2-17. When I got to the last page, I had tears welled in my eyes.
As a new WQW Teammate, I know about the impact WQW has, but I’ve yet to experience it for myself. I truly cannot wait to see the effects of our programming in action when I volunteer on my first Fishing Experience next month.
Until then, I’ll be in our Bozeman office soaking up as much information as I can (including reading the gift Emily left for me). I’d love to know: what is it about the WQW community that’s touched you?
Until next month,
Stevie Croisant
Marketing & Communications Manager