Nathan - Warriors & Quiet Waters


U.S. Army

My Hunt for Purpose Journey

After my first Fishing Experience (FX) with Warriors & Quiet Waters (WQW), I knew I had found something incredible. Looking at the person I was that day and the person I am today, the two don’t even compare. My time with WQW has been transformative, to say the least. I can honestly say that no single part of my life hasn’t been affected by WQW. I have been able to understand my purpose and find how to live a more fulfilling and thriving life.

So, what does a thriving life look like to me? It’s a life living with purpose for purpose. It is living my life with my core values in mind and letting them guide my life.

My thriving life is knowing that every day I do something that makes my life and the lives of those around me just a little bit better.

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Last year, I had the opportunity to be a part of Hunt for Purpose and really look under the hood of my life. The journey over those six months showed me what living a thriving life looked like and the steps and changes I needed to make to get there.

I have several things that I am very passionate about. I am passionate about the outdoors, architecture, photography, and conservation. However, my driving passions are being a good father to my daughters, Kaia and Reegan, and a good husband to my wife, Angela. My commitment to my family drives me to be better in every aspect of my life. They give me the strength to make the tough decisions and ask myself the tough questions I need to answer to work toward that thriving life.

My journey of working toward a thriving life didn’t start on my first FX with WQW, but my path began to narrow. When I attended Hunt for Purpose, the path to the thriving life that I want became clear. I got the guidance and mentorship I needed to narrow my view a little and focus on the things that would propel me forward. What made the process even better was being there with other veterans that were going through the same process.

It is difficult for me to put into words just what Warriors & Quiet Waters has done for me and what the organization means to me. I know that many people reading this will know exactly what I am talking about. I am better in every facet of my life, and I owe a majority of that success to the folks at WQW. While nobody can put the work in but myself, WQW provided the opportunities and support I needed to move toward that thriving life I envisioned.