Relationships Matter - Warriors & Quiet Waters

Relationships Matter

What if the strongest predictor of your long-term health and happiness wasn’t your genetics or lifestyle choices but the strength of your relationships? Better than any other organization in the world, the United States Military creates team cohesion and bonds. These bonds ensure that each service member feels supported and has absolute trust in the men and women who will walk beside them through tremendous challenges and uncertainty.


When service members leave the military, a very common experience is a lack of quality relationships and connection to their loved ones. Outside of the military’s strong team environment, knowing who to turn to can be difficult when times get tough, and many service members deal with isolation.

So, why does this matter and where does WQW come in? The longest longitudinal study on human well-being, the Harvard Study of Adult Development, determined that the strongest predictor of health and well-being is the quality of our relationships. More than diet, exercise, or genetics, maintaining quality relationships was the strongest predictor of health and wellness in old age.


That's where WQW makes a difference. We don't just foster connection—we rebuild it. Our unique approach to creating connection equips Warriors with the skills and perspective they need to reconnect with their loved ones and rediscover the camaraderie they had in the service.

Our program is designed to foster a strong connection amongst the cohort, creating that team environment where Warriors no longer have to wonder, “Who will understand what I’m going through?” or “Who will support me through this?” Additionally, we provide Warriors the tools to work on the quality of their personal relationships through cohort discussions and materials provided through our guided discovery process.

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This October, during our Couples Experience, we saw firsthand how time in nature helped husbands and wives reconnect after years of focusing on everything but each other. By the week's end, couples shared moments of pride, devotion, and renewed appreciation for their partners.

If this topic has piqued your interest, you can learn more about the Harvard Study of Adult Development and its findings here:

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