From Service to Serenity: Ryan's Journey
WQW has equipped me with the tools to shed the weight of my past, and accepting their help has been nothing short of transformative.
Discovering the Outdoors: How One Entrepreneur Used Her Passion to Give Back to Veterans
Shannon Waters, the founder and owner of Gastro Gnome, shares how she came to appreciate the great outdoors and support veterans.
Paying Forward in Montana
Northwest Farm Credit Services on their volunteer experience at Quiet Waters Ranch
COMMIT Foundation
Rough Seas Make Strong Sailors - How Warriors & Quiet Waters Partners with the COMMIT Foundation to Impact Veterans
Femme Fatale-A-Thon: How I Raised Over $1,000 for Warriors & Quiet Waters
Think of a moment in your life when you have done something incredibly difficult. Your body was probably screaming at you to quit but you kept going because your mind pushed you through.
Profiles in Service: Meet Thomas: A WQW Volunteer Raising $1500 for Warriors in 24 Hours
Meet Thomas - a Warriors & Quiet Waters Volunteer Who is Raising $1500 for Warriors & Quiet Waters on Veterans Day
It Started With a Vice
Trout Unlimited Donates Thousands of Flies to Warriors & Quiet Waters.
Watch a Veteran Fishing Experience in Montana
WQW’s core recreational and therapeutic program is called a Fishing Experience (FX).
Meet Ryan, a Warrior Who Found Personal Enjoyment
The following is a letter of testimony sent to Warriors & Quiet Waters from a Warrior participant.
Silently Refreshing the Tree of Liberty
In a 1787 letter to William Stephens Smith, John Adams’ son in law, Thomas Jefferson wrote that “The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.”
"Volunteering is the Highlight of Our Year": An Interview with Jim and Jo Borowski
Today, we’re interviewing Jim and Jo Borowski, a husband and wife team who have volunteered in many capacities for Warriors & Quiet Waters since 2008.