Resilience and Thriving: Issues, Models, and Linkages
The benefits of adversity and how we can condition ourselves to recover from it more quickly. By Charles S. Carver, PhD, Journal of Social Issues, Vol 54, No.2 (1998).
Atomic Habits
A self-help book on “an easy & proven way to build good habits & break bad ones”. By James Clear (2018).
Definition of Thriving
Merriam-Webster Dictionary.
Developing Resilience
What resilience is, why we need it, and how to develop it- all in the pursuit of our dreams and goals. Mind Tools (2022).
The Road to Resilience Infographic
An infographic on “how to develop your bouncebackability”. Mind Tools (2022).
What Is Resilience, and Why Is It Important to Bounce Back?
A helpful self-help article on the topic. By Jeremy Sutton, Ph.D.. Positive Psychology (2019).
Personal Resilience
A collection of articles on the topic related to both personal and professional settings and situations. Harvard Business Review.
Designing Your Life: How to Build a Well-Lived, Joyful Life
Bill Burnett and Dave Evans; A book on how to build and design a life you can thrive in, at any stage and for any stage. Refer to resource worksheets available on site, in addition to full-length book.
holistic wellness: Body, Mind, and spirit
Chairman's Total Force Fitness Framework (CJCSI 3405.01)
A Department of Defense directive to service members on how to maintain fitness across a variety of domains. By the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff (2011).
Holistic Health and Fitness (FM 7-22)
The US Army’s reference (2020).
Nutrition and Wellness Timeline into Action
This is the slide deck created by Karen Mitchell for WQW (2022).
7 Science-Based Health Benefits of Drinking Enough Water
Why drinking plenty of water is good for us. By Joe Leech. Healthline (2020).
Sleep problems in veterans with PTSD
Problems and solutions associated with sleep-related issues. By Philip Gehrman, PhD, U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (2020).
Sleep in the United States Military
The physical and mental effects of insufficient sleep. By Cameron H. Good, Allison J. Brager, Vincent F. Capaldi, and Vincent Mysliwiec, American College of Neuropsychopharmacology (2020).
Sleep in the Military
by Tom Ryan, Sleep Foundation (2022).
Effectiveness of Physical Activity Interventions for Improving Depression, Anxiety and Distress: An Overview of Systematic Reviews
By a team of 13 researchers from University of South Australia. British Journal of Sports Medicine (2023).
Five Surprising Ways Exercise Changes Your Brain
Moving the body is good for the mind. By Kelly McGonical, PhD. Greater Good Magazine, U-C Berkley (2020).
Eudaimonic Well‐being: Highlights From 25 Years of Inquiry
An academic paper on the core dimensions of psychological well-being and their theoretical foundations. By Carol Ryff, Ph.D.. The International Union of Psychological Science (2018)
The Ryff Scales of Psychological Well-Being
An open-source summary of Dr. Carol Ryff’s work on psychological well-being. By Tricia A. Seifert, University of Iowa (2005).
Six Domains of Psychological Well-Being
his is another look at Dr. Ryff’s work in the form of a self-assessment. By Gregg Henriques, Ph.D. Psychology Today (2014).
Spiritual Fitness Leaders Guide Flipbook
The US Marine Corps’ reference (2022).
The Nature Fix
“Why nature makes us happier, healthier, and more creative”. By Florence Williams (2018).
The Comfort Crisis
A self-help book that champions “embracing discomfort to reclaim your wild, healthy, happy self”. By Michael Easter (2021).
Fly-Fishing and the Brain
How fly-fishing “helps to lessen stress and calm the brain”. By Scott Edwards. Harvard Medical School (2015).
Nurtured By Nature
How time in nature can improve our physical and mental well-being. By Kirsten Weir, American Psychological Association (2020).
Ecopsychology: How Immersion in Nature Benefits Your Health
The beneficial effects exposure to nature has on health, reducing stress and promoting healing. By Jim Robbins. Yale School of the Environment (2020).
Associations between Nature Exposure and Health: A Review of the Evidence
An academic paper on the correlation of nature exposure to improved cognitive function, brain activity, blood pressure, mental health, physical activity, and sleep. By Marcia Jimenez, Nicole DeVille, Elise Elliott, Jessica Schiff, Grete Wilt, Jaime Hart, and Peter James. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health (2021).
Growing Resilience Through Interaction With Nature
This an academic paper on ways exposure to and immersion in nature can enable and improve mental resilience. By Melissa Marselle, Sara Warber, and Katherine Irvine. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health (2019).
The Relationship Between Nature Connectedness and Eudaimonic Well-Being: A Meta-analysis
An academic paper on how people who are more connected to nature tend to live a life of virtue in pursuit of human excellence. By Alison Pritchard, Miles Richardson, David Sheffield, and Kirsten McEwan. Journal of Happiness Studies (2020).
Nature Immersion: Understanding The Benefits Of Connecting With Nature
Why and how nature is good for us. By Dr. Myles Spar, MD, MPH (no date provided).
How Nature Immersion Improves Your Physical and Mental Health
A bite-sized helping of science to explain how immersion in nature helps us be and stay healthy. By Katie Gerber. The Trek (2020).
security and connection
Learning to Navigate Uncertainty
by Preston B. Cline, Ed.D.. Mission Critical Team Institute (2020).
49 Communication Activities, Exercises, and Games
by Courtney Ackerman, Positive Psychology (2023).
Active Listening
This is a helpful “How To” guide on active listening, enabling effective communication and connection. By Boston University (no date provided).
What Do We Risk When We Are Not Authentic?
by Stuart B. Fensterheim, LCSW, GoodTherapy.org (2018).
Social Connection and Compassion: Important Predictors of Health and Well-Being
An academic paper on the impact of social connection (and loneliness) on health, well-being, and behavior. By Emma Seppala, Timothy Rossomando, and James Doty. Social Research: An International Quarterly (2013).
The Challenges of Afghanistan and Iraq Veterans’ Transition from Military to Civilian Life and Approaches to Reconnection
by Jennifer Ahern, Miranda Worthen, Jackson Masters, Sheri Lippman, Emily Ozer, and Rudolf Moos, U-C Berkely (2015).
What Makes a Good Life?
“3 Lessons on Life, Love, and Decision Making from the Harvard Grant Study”. By William Miller. Six Seconds (2021).
Good Genes Are Nice, But Joy Is Better
A Harvard study has proven that embracing community helps us live longer and happier lives. By Liz Mineo. The Harvard Gazette (2017).
The Surprising Science About Relationships & Happiness
The Good Life Project; Podcast episode interviewing Dr. Robert Waldinger, director of the Harvard Study of Adult Development.
Harvard Second Generation Study
Collected news articles and interviews from the Harvard Study of Adult Development official sitenews and events.
personal values and identity
Definition of Values
from the American Psychological Association Dictionary of Psychology (2022).
Personal Values Card Sort (Activity)
This activity enables clarity around our personal values and how they manifest in our daily lives. By William Miller Ph.D., Janet C’de Baca Ph.D., Daniel Matthews, Ph.D., and Paula Wilbourne, Ph.D.. University of New Mexico (2011).
An Overview of the Schwartz Theory of Basic Values
An academic paper on the origin of ten basic personal values that are recognized across cultures. By Shalom H. Schwartz, Ph.D. Online Readings in Psychology and Culture, 2(1) (2012).
Definition of Identity
from the American Psychological Association Dictionary of Psychology (2022).
From Identity to Enaction: Identity Behavior Theory
An academic paper on how identity affects our responses to stimuli and our general behavior enaction. By Jack Simons, Ph.D.. Frontiers in Psychology (2021).
Veterans’ Identities and Well-being in Transition to Civilian Life – A Resource for Policy Analysts, Program Designers, Service Providers and Researchers
A technical report on Veteran reintegration and its effect on one’s sense of identity. By a team of 14 researchers across a wide array of disciplines. Veterans Affairs Canada (2017).
potential and purpose
Definition of Potential
from the American Psychological Association Dictionary of Psychology (2022).
The Psychology of Purpose
by the Adolescent Moral Development Lab, Claremont Graduate University (2018).
Happiness 2.0: Cultivating Your Purpose
with Anthony Burrow, Ph.D. from the Hidden Brain Podcast (2021).
Shared Sense of Purpose and Well-Being among Veterans and Non-Veterans
by Brigid Mary-Donnell Lynn, North Carolina State University (2014).
The Philosophy of Ikigai: 3 Examples About Finding Purpose
An article on the Japanese concept of living a life of meaning. By Jeffrey Gaines, Ph.D., Positive Psychology (2020).