Beyond the Warrior: The Lifelong Impact of Combat and the Power of Post-Traumatic Growth
After war, many Americans may not so readily witness the visible and invisible wounds of combat that often accompany veterans’ return home.
Human beings are not fragile. We are not made of glass, shattering at the first sign of adversity.
Our Ten Favorite Photos of 2024
As we reminisce on the past year, we’re excited to share our ten favorite photos that truly capture the spirit of 2024's peak experiences in nature.
Year-End Giving: A Call to Action for Warriors & Quiet Waters
Currently, we face a staggering challenge: since January over 1,600 veterans have added their names to our waitlist and are awaiting the chance to apply to Built for More.
Equipped to Thrive | A New Path to Healing
Meet Chris Beach, WQW Built for More program alum. Chris shares the story of his service, the struggles he faced after separating from the military, and how finding the Built for More program has truly changed his life.
Pulling the Needs of Combat Veterans from the Shadows
At the heart of the transition from military to civilian life is the need to recognize and empower the identity transformation and finding new purpose and community.
Relationships Matter
What if the strongest predictor of your long-term health and happiness wasn’t your genetics or lifestyle choices but the strength of your relationships?
Food, Drink, Art, and a Shattered Fundraising Goal | The 6th Annual Warrior Taste Fest
On Friday, September 6th, 2024, over 600 WQW community members came together for one of the most highly anticipated events of the year: Warrior Taste Fest.
2024 Spring Newsletter CEO Message
As we step into the vibrancy of spring, I am filled with a profound sense of gratitude and excitement for what lies ahead.
What's Next? What's Next? What's Next?
No, that's not a typo. Those are titles for three different chapters in my life.
A Memorial Day Message from WQW's CEO
On the last Monday of May each year, Americans pause to remember and honor our war dead. It’s a fitting tribute for those who sacrificed all that they had – and ever would have - in service of something bigger than themselves: things like the honor and safety of their comrades; their mission; the legacy of their unit; the sanctity of our National Ensign; and the security of our Nation.
Sandy Stash, WQW Board Chair, Joins the CAE
We are thrilled to share the incredible news that our board chair, Sandy Stash, has been elected as a Fellow of the Canadian Academy of Engineering (CAE).
WQW’s CEO Book List
Warriors & Quiet Waters asked CEO Brian Gilman, Col, USMC (Retired) to share his favorite books in three different categories: Leadership, Outdoor Immersion, and Fiction. In addition, Brian shared his thoughts on the benefits of reading.
Happy 17th birthday, Warriors & Quiet Waters!
Seventeen years ago, on April 16, Warriors & Quiet Waters gained official recognition as a 501(c)(3) organization. Today, we rejoice in the history and the promising future of WQW.
How Sage Lodge’s Generosity Shaped WQW’s Alumni Council
WQW’s Alumni Council met at Quiet Waters Ranch in March to plan for the year ahead. WQW asked partner Sage Lodge to prepare a special dinner to thank the council for dedicating their weekend in service of the WQW Alumni.
From Combat to Camaradie on Quiet Waters
WQW Impact: How Two Brothers Recreated Meaningful Memories on the Yellowstone
WQW Announces New Board of Directors to Support Next Chapter of Growth as a National VSO
WQW’s new Board leadership is comprised of a diverse mix of national industry leaders that will help guide the organization’s capacity building and strategy to maximize its impact on post-9/11 combat veterans.
One Veteran's Unforgettable Hunt at Jack Creek Preserve
WQW Alum and Guide, Jordan, had a once in a lifetime experience exploring the Preserve and the surrounding Lee Metcalf Wilderness, and seeing various forms of wildlife, such as elk, mule deer, whitetail deer, and a wolf.
Mission, Vision, & Values - Brian Gilman, Col, USMC (Ret), CEO of WQW
Reflecting on Warriors & Quiet Waters in 2023, three words resonate profoundly: Mission, Vision, and Values.